Regenerative Medicine in Plastic Surgery

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If you know anything about regenerative medicine, then you may be curious about the role of regenerative medicine in plastic surgery.

Then again, maybe you’re not familiar with regenerative medicine and it sounds like some sort of idea stirred up by a science fiction author. It’s not.

In fact, regenerative medicine has been a godsend for folks who’ve lost tissue because of cancer, burns, or other trauma where reconstructive plastic surgery options are limited. This is why plastic surgeons have been instrumental in developing new therapies in regenerative medicine.

So What Is Regenerative Medicine?

The field of regenerative medicine is based on the concept that doctors can turn to the body’s own powers to heal itself rather than solely relying on drugs or invasive surgical procedures. The thought is that by replacing, engineering, and regenerating human cells, tissues, or even organs, normal form and function can once again be achieved.

This is not to say that there is no use for drugs and surgical procedures though. In fact, along with cells, tissues, and organs, regenerative medicine utilizes drugs, synthetic biomaterials, and devices.

In a nut shell, the goal of regenerative medicine is to both heal damaged tissue, and form new tissue.

Regenerative Medicine in Plastic Surgery

Patients who have suffered with the aforementioned cancer and burns are not the only ones to benefit from regenerative medicine. Researchers and plastic surgeons are currently developing regenerative medicine-based treatments for those with congenital anomalies of the face and hands (including microtia, cleft lip, and cleft palate), facial nerve injuries, limb and muscle loss, and injuries to major nerves in the arms and legs.

The following are some of the ways that plastic surgeons are incorporating regenerative medicine therapies:

Burn Care

With severe burns where the dermal (innermost) layer of skin is damaged, plastic surgeons are now able to use protein scaffolds to generate new tissue there.

Tissue Expansion to Generate New Skin

Plastic surgeons also pioneered a technique whereby they are able to implant balloon devices that are gradually expanded to generate new skin tissue to cover a deformity. This therapy has been revolutionary in breast reconstruction as well as for treating birth anomalies.

Wound Care

Reconstructive plastic surgery alone may not be enough to repair complex wounds that are difficult to heal. In these cases, there’s a need for tissue engineering – i.e. skin substitutes made from living cells grown in a lab – to aid in the healing.

Additionally, it was a plastic surgeon who was the first to bring negative pressure devices into the arena of wound care. These regenerative medical devices employ micro-mechanical forces to stimulate and further wound healing.

Treating Scars

Laser and intense pulsed light are just two of the energy-based devices from the field of regenerative medicine. And they’re increasingly gaining in popularity with plastic surgeons and their patients to improve the healing of scars.

Breast Reconstruction

Women who have survived breast cancer through a mastectomy are faced with the decision of whether they want to have breast reconstruction. Today, plastic surgeons can use decellularized tissue scaffolds to generate new tissue over breast implants to achieve a better outcome.

Bone Regeneration

At one time, patients suffering extensive trauma that involved the loss of large bone segments had to cut their losses. But now, through regenerative medical therapies, plastic surgeons can take advantage of calcium-based scaffolds and biomaterials derived from bone to form new bone tissue for these patients.

Regeneration of Nerves

When is comes to regenerating nerves, this is where the field of regenerative medicine feels decidedly like something out of science fiction. But plastic surgeons are finding new ways every day to restore optimal function to patients who have experienced nerve injury.

Therapies in this area include using specialized growth factors to accelerate nerve healing, and specific biomaterials that actually guide and direct the growth of new nerve fibers.

It’s really quite amazing.

Could Plastic Surgery Help You?

Plastic surgery is no longer about just improving a nose that’s too big or breasts that are too small. Although these are completely valid surgeries, it’s clear that there’s a need for regenerative medicine in plastic surgery too.

So if you’re struggling with an aesthetic or functional flaw that you feel could be repaired though plastic surgery, contact us today. During your free consultation, your plastic surgeon will clearly lay out your options so you know exactly what to expect.

Understand Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

If you’re considering surgery to correct or contour some part of your body, you may be feeling some apprehension. And that makes sense.

Whether for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes, plastic surgery does present the possibility of complications. Just like any other surgery. Even if it’s elective.

So to ensure you’re going in with as much peace of mind as possible, it’s important you understand your plastic surgery procedure. And the best way to do this is to go directly to the source: your plastic surgeon.

How to Better Understand Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

First things first – when vetting the ideal surgeon, you’ll want to ensure that yours is board certified in plastic surgery. Insist on this.

Such certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) demonstrates that your surgeon is of the highest caliber. It means he or she made the effort to attain in-depth training that goes above and beyond what’s simply required. A board-certified plastic surgeon has comprehensive knowledge of the field and is committed to excellence.

Once you’ve established this basic but crucial requirement, then it’s time to start investigating.

It’s Okay to Ask Questions

You may feel like you’re offending a potential surgeon by asking all about their experience, training, and credentials. But any surgeon who is turned off by this is putting up a red flag. Your surgeon should want you to feel confident about your procedure and be willing to answer all questions relating to it.

For example:

How Familiar Are You With the Procedure?

Though you may be nervous posing it, this is a 100% reasonable question. You don’t want to go into your procedure with a surgeon who’s relatively (or brand) new to it. The fact is, surgeons who have performed a higher volume of specific procedures have lower complication rates and shorter hospital stays for their patients. So don’t be afraid to ask this question.

Then follow it up with:

Do You Have Pictures of Previous Clients?

If your surgeon hasn’t already shown you ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of what to expect from your procedure, then you’ll definitely want to see some of these. This will help you to not only see the surgeon’s work, but you’ll feel reassured that the procedure was safe and effective for patients before you.

What Are the Risks?

In general, plastic surgery carries a slightly lower risk than other types of surgical procedures. Still, there is always the chance of infection, reaction to anesthesia, or loss of blood. So you’ll want to be crystal clear with your surgeon on how these risks could play out for you.Again, if a surgeon does not take the question seriously, then consider looking elsewhere. Any reputable surgeon will understand your need for assurance and peace of mind and will be completely forthcoming about any post-operative complications. He or she should place your safety and health as the top priorities.

Feeling Nervous About Your Surgery?

Knowing the ways to better understand your plastic surgery procedure will help increase your confidence.

So contact us today if you’re ready to start exploring your options with one of our highly trained board-certified plastic surgeons.

And keep in mind that lifestyle changes (such as quitting smoking and adopting a healthy diet) before surgery can also lower your risks and result in faster healing and less scarring. These are factors you’ll also discuss with your plastic surgeon during your free consultation.


The Basics of a Neck Lift

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The appearance of the neck is one of the biggest indicators of age. So it’s no wonder that so many folks over a certain age favor the turtle neck or deem the scarf a necessary fashion accessory.

It doesn’t have to be that way though.

Depending on what issue you have with the appearance of your neck, you can remedy it with a neck lift.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift isn’t a single procedure, but rather a set of them. Medically speaking, they’re referred to as a lower rhytidectomy or submental lipectomy.

The neck lift is often a part of a face lift. But it can also be a stand alone procedure if you’re content with the current status of your face.

Again, the exact procedure you need depends on whether you’re looking to remove extra skin, excess fat, or seeking to alter the neck muscles.

In some instances, there may be injections utilized to address problems with fullness or excess fat under the chin. Additional techniques include ultrasound, lasers, fillers, radio-frequency devices, intense pulsed light, and SkinTyte using Sciton Laser.

What Are the Benefits of a Surgical Neck Lift?

While Botox, filler, and lasers may work for a while to smooth out the neck, they don’t deliver the long-lasting results that surgery does.

A plastic surgeon can go in and reposition soft tissue, remove excess fat, and tighten loose skin. This delivers a far more natural-looking fix that nonsurgical procedures.

To truly address the changes to the neck that come with aging, a surgical neck lift is the best long-term solution.

The Neck Lift Procedures)

As stated above, there’s no one-size-fits-all procedure for a neck lift. Which one is right for you will be established during a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

But here’s a look at the three most common complaints that come with an aging neck and how they are addressed:

  1. Turkey Wattle

While Botox injections can relax parts of that unsightly turkey wattle, surgery is usually the recommendation.

This procedure involves incisions under the chin or behind the ears (or both) in order to access a neck muscle called the platysma. In some instances, part of the platysma may need to be removed. Newer procedures allow for smaller incisions and the use of an endoscope to execute the surgery.

This sort of neck lift can be done under general anesthesia, or local anesthesia with sedation.

  1. Extra Skin

When there is extra skin but it’s not quite a turkey wattle, the skin is trimmed then lifted into place. It’s secured with stitches or tissue glue. This procedure takes two to four hours and it can be done under either local or general anesthesia.

After the procedure, the patient is fitted with a compression bandage to be worn for five to seven days.

  1. Excess Fat

Liposuction is often the preferred method for removing excess fat. Simpler than the above two procedures, the surgeon need only make a small incision below the chin.

If no other procedure is performed, the liposuction surgery lasts no more than an hour. A local anesthetic is used, the incisions are stitched and bandaged, and the patient is sent home with instructions for wound care.

Turn Back the Hands of Time

Yeah, okay. A neck lift won’t actually turn back the hands of time. But it can address the ravages of aging on your neck to help you look younger.

So if you’d like to ditch the scarf and/or turtle neck, contact us today for your free consultation. And soon, you could be showing off a smoother and more youthful looking neck.

Your Options for Surgical Body Contouring

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You exercise and you eat well. You’re active and you’re healthy. Yet, you’re stuck with areas of stubborn fat or sagging skin that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try.

You’re not alone. But you’re also not without help.

With a surgical body contouring procedure, you can eliminate excess fat, as well as get rid of extra skin to reshape and contour an area of the body. And it actually works!

How Does It Differ From Nonsurgical Body Contouring?

In a previous blog post, we discussed the relatively new field of aesthetic medicine known as nonsurgical body contouring. Its objective is to sculpt, tone, and contour the body without surgery. It uses a range of state-of-the-art technology to achieve results across a wide array of body areas including the thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.

But when there is excess skin or very stubborn fat, surgical body contouring is more effective.

It’s important to understand though that neither surgical nor non-surgical body contouring is intended to help you lose weight. Rather, it aims to address specific problem areas where weight loss isn’t effective, or where there is excess skin after significant weight loss.

The end result isn’t necessarily a slimmed down body, but a more normal appearance with smoother contours. For example, a facelift is going to help with excess skin of the mid-face, jowls, and neck. Or a breast lift will address sagging and flattened breasts.

Other surgical body contouring procedures include:


Liposuction aims to remove excess fat from a variety of areas including the chin and neck, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees, ankles and buttocks. Liposuction is one of the less complicated procedures to improve body contour and proportion. While it often requires general anesthesia, it can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Arm Lift

Excess skin on the underarm can be the result of weight loss, aging, or heredity. An arm lift removes that excess skin. The upper portion of the arm is reshaped from the armpit area to the elbow and weakened tissues are addressed.

Tummy Tuck

Patients seek a tummy tuck when they want a smoother, firmer abdominal profile. This procedure removes excess abdominal fat and skin while reestablishing weakened or separated muscles.

Lower Body Lift

Excess skin, cellulite, and sagging fatty tissue on the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs are removed in this comprehensive procedure. Smoother leg and abdomen contours are the result.

Recovery From Surgical Body Contouring

Because there’s such a wide range of options for surgical body contouring, recovery varies based on the procedures as well as the individual. For example, a tummy tuck surgery will result in greater scarring and healing than liposuction.

General anesthesia and at least one overnight stay are often required for surgical body contouring procedures. Your surgeon may also require you to wear a compression garment for several weeks.

Again, depending on your procedure, full recovery could take several months – though the initial discomfort usually fades within two to four weeks. Not much to endure to get rid of that pesky fat and sagging skin!

How Could Surgical Body Contouring Benefit You?

If you’re healthy and near your ideal weight, but have stubborn fat and excess skin that won’t respond to diet and exercise, then it could be time to consider a surgical body contouring procedure.

Contact us today to meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. During your free consultation, they’ll discuss your body shaping goals and offer with the best treatment options to meet your needs.


All About the Chemical Peels


Sick and tired of fine lines and wrinkles? How about age spots, mild scars, or dark patches?

Chemical peels are an amazing way to significantly reduce the appearance of all of these. And they can be performed on the face, neck, or hands.

They’re a great nonsurgical alternative for improving your complexion and restoring confidence in your appearance.

What Chemical Peels Address

Life is tough on the skin.

Sun damage and aging create wrinkles. Squinting and smiling result in fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. Acne is unsightly and can leave scars. Even pregnancy and birth control pills can wreak havoc on the skin. Chemical peels can address all of these conditions and more.

It is important to understand that they can’t take care of every one of your skin maladies though. Sagging and bulging skin or deep wrinkles generally don’t respond well to chemical peels. In these instances, your board-certified surgeon would likely recommend a procedure such as an SMAS facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, dermal filler, or laser resurfacing.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

The procedure isn’t terribly complicated. First, your eyes and hair will be covered with protection so that your skin can be thoroughly cleansed with an agent to remove excess oils. Then, a chemical solution is applied to your skin. At this point, you may feel a warm to somewhat hot sensation followed by a stinging sensation. If the stinging is problematic, a cool compress may be applied to your skin. The chemical is then washed off and removed.

Chemical peels are not a one-size-fits-all affair though.

The light or “lunchtime” chemical peel is usually done in a series and it’s best for those with fine wrinkling, uneven skin coloring, or rough sun-damaged skin. Only the outermost layer of skin is removed and recovery requires little to no downtime.

With a medium chemical peel, both the outermost layer and the upper part of the middle skin layer are removed. This is a good option for those with more moderate wrinkles, age spots, acne scarring, or uneven skin coloring that’s more pronounced.

And a deep chemical peel provides the most dramatic results. In this case, the chemical penetrates all the way down to the lower middle layer of the skin. This is most often recommended for those with moderate lines and wrinkles, extensive sun-damaged skin, deep acne scars, blotchy skin, and actinic keratosis. When done on the face, it’s a one-time treatment that requires pretreatment for up to eight weeks.

There’s also a new option on the market – the VI chemical peel.

The New VI Chemical Peel

Fair-skinned and light-haired patients have long been better candidates for chemical peels. But with the newest chemical peel known as the VI Peel, this is no longer the case. The VI Peel is one of the safest chemical peels on the market and is ideal for a wide range of skin types. It can dramatically improve the skin’s texture and tone, leaving it with a clear and radiant glow.

Using a unique blend of minerals, salicylic acid, vitamin C, phenol, retinoic acid, and TCA, the VI Peel works to safely remove damaged layers of skin and promote cellular growth. At the most basic level, this blend will help the skin to build collagen and elastin; tightening the skin, shrinking enlarged pores, and erasing fine lines and wrinkles.

The VI Peel also provides stunning results to those struggling with dull or damaged skin as a result of acne, rosacea, sun damage, or melasma and other hyperpigmentation issues.

It requires no oral or IV sedation and is nearly painless. Plus, for those with darker skin types, it requires no skin preconditioning. And given that this blend is packed with vitamins and minerals, the VI Peel is more nourishing than a traditional chemical peel.

Curious About Chemical Peels?

If you think one of the variety of available chemical peels might be right for you, then contact us today.

During your free consultation, you’ll meet with a plastic surgeon who will guide you in making the proper choice that will fit your needs. And should you require something more than a chemical peel, he or she will inform you of next best steps.


Advantages of Plastic Surgery in the Winter

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Are you sick of the cold weather and have a constant eye out for the spring?

Whether you hate, love, or merely tolerate the cold, there is something to be said about opting to have plastic surgery in the winter.

In fact, once you consider the many advantages, you may start wishing for winter.

1. Appointments Are Easier to Schedule

If you’ve ever tried to schedule plastic surgery in the spring or summer when folks are noticing their imperfections, then you know how tough it can be to get in.

But in the winter, it’s much easier to schedule a procedure. With all of the bulky clothes and layers to conceal those trouble spots, there’s just not the urgency to schedule. And if you’re planning a multiple procedure surgery such as a mommy makeover, you’ll want flexible scheduling.

2. Keep It Covered

Speaking of coats and sweaters, they’re also the perfect foil for concealing the early scarring, swelling, and bruising that follows a procedure.

Warm winter clothes are also ideal for hiding compression garments. Furthermore, the cold air makes having to wear compression garments much more comfortable than when the temperatures are high.

3. Stay Cozy While Recovering

Most of us want to eat up as much outdoor activity as possible during the summer. But when winter comes, we have the perfect excuse for snuggling under blankets, flipping on the TV, and staying in by the fire.

Plus, depending on the procedure, you’ll be required to spend between 4-8 weeks avoiding strenuous activities. So while you’re getting cozy on the couch, you can start dreaming about returning to those activities when the spring finally does come.

At the end of the day, with a winter plastic surgery procedure, you’ll be more motivated to rest and recover because there’s little motivation to venture out.

4. Avoiding the Sun Is Easy

Near the top of the list of things to avoid after plastic surgery is sun exposure. The UV rays can negatively impact the incision’s ability to heal.

Avoiding direct sun exposure is a challenge in the spring and summer months. But in the winter, it’s far from difficult. Especially if you live in a climate where clouds overrule the sun during the winter months.

And when you do have to be exposed to the sun, mostly on your face, it’s much easier to apply sunscreen to one small area of the body rather than everywhere.

Even laser procedures such as Halo or hair removal are most commonly done during the winter because you cannot be exposed to sunlight due to the sensitivity of the skin.

Take Advantage of Plastic Surgery in the Winter

By getting plastic surgery in the winter, when it does finally come time to pull out the shorts, t-shirts, and bathing suits, you’ll have already done the work to look your best.

Meanwhile, everyone who waited until late spring and early summer to get their procedures will have to wait until next summer to showcase their amazing results.

So don’t hesitate to contact us. Today. And show off your best self THIS summer!

All About the Arm Lift

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Sagging skin under the arms can be embarrassing. It can also be terribly discouraging if you’re going to great lengths to remove it through diet and exercise and getting no results.

Ironically, rapid weight loss can be a cause of sagging skin on the arms. But it can also be a result of aging or genetics. It could be a combination of factors.

Whatever the case, a brachioplasty (a.k.a. arm lift) can treat those saggy underarms to leave them looking more toned and defined.

Who Would Benefit From Brachioplasty?

Of course, experiencing a hit to your self-esteem because of sagging arms is reason enough to seek out an arm lift. And it’s not an unusual procedure following weight-loss surgery.

But even if you don’t find the extra folds of tissue particularly troubling from the aesthetics perspective, you may want relief from the general discomfort. Then there’s the issue of maintaining hygiene, which is more challenging.

Finally, inflammation and rash associated with the extra folds of tissue can lead to infection. At this point, brachioplasty becomes a necessity.

Arm Lift Options

Fortunately, there are numerous options available when it comes to arm lifts.

A traditional arm lift is usually recommended for those with a large amount of excess skin and fat on the upper arm. An extended arm lift addresses fatty tissue and loose skin underneath the arm and on areas on the side of the body.

Finally, a limited-incision brachioplasty (also known as a hidden arm lift) may be recommended for those with moderate amounts of fat and loose skin. It utilizes an incision made in the crease of the underarm and may include liposuction.

In cases where there is only a small amount of fat, little to no excess skin, and good elasticity in the skin, the arm may be reshaped using liposuction only.

The Procedure

Given the variety of arm lifts, you’ll discuss which is best for you with your board-certified plastic surgeon.

Depending on the chosen procedure, you’ll receive either a general or local anesthesia. The surgeon will then make the appropriate incision depending on the chosen procedure and remove extra skin and fat from the desired area.

The surgeon then reconnects the skin to provide a smooth contour. In some cases, additional body-contouring surgeries may be performed at this time as well.


During recovery, it may be necessary to wear a compression garment to control swelling.

Patients are provided with postoperative care instructions that include attending to the incision, which medications to take and when, and potential warning signs. There will also be a timeline for follow-up appointments.

Most patients are able to return to work or school within a week or two, and can return to normal activities within 2-4 weeks.

Tighten and Tone Those Arms

Of course, maintaining proper diet and exercise is key to maintaining good health. But sometimes it just isn’t enough for certain problem spots.

So if you’re struggling with extra skin and fat on your arms no matter how hard you try, then an arm lift could be right for you.

It’s important to add that Emsculpt can also be performed to improve the muscular contour and reduce the fat layer when a patient has a tight skin envelope. This effective and non-invasive improvement to the upper arms requires no downtime and no anesthesia.

So contact us today for a free consultation. And show off those arms this summer!

Maintaining Nonsurgical Body Contouring

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When you glance in the mirror, do you immediately see those “trouble” spots? This can be especially irritating when you’re eating well and exercising, but it’s not making a difference. Yet, you may not be ready for surgery just yet.

Fortunately, new and emerging technologies have made it possible to tone muscles, burn fat, and shape your body in the way you desire without going under the knife.

So it’s no wonder that patients are clamoring for nonsurgical body contouring procedures.

How Does Nonsurgical Body Contouring Work?

Body contouring is a relatively new field of aesthetic medicine. Its objective is to sculpt, tone, and contour the body without surgery. Instead, these non-invasive treatments use a range of state-of-the-art technology to achieve results across a wide array of body areas including the thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.

Patients don’t see a scalpel or a needle. There’s no recovery time. And a series of quick 30-60-minutes sessions can deliver visible and long-lasting results. The only job of the patient is to show up.

Body contouring benefits include building muscle, losing fat, contouring crucial areas of the body such as the abs, and lifting and toning the buttocks. These procedures can even tighten sagging or drooping skin due to aging or stretching.

The ability to achieve all of this without having to do any work may sound good to be true. That said, it’s important to understand that nonsurgical body contouring is not a quick fix. How you choose to live your life after the procedure plays heavily into its long-term success.

Maintaining Nonsurgical Contouring

Once you commit to nonsurgical body contouring, you want to make the most of your investment to get the best results. With that in mind, there are three main factors you’ll need to employ to maintain those results.

  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Keeping your skin protected from dangerous UV rays is always good practice. Even if you’re not having a procedure.

But since some body contouring procedures also address skin issues, it’s important you continue to attend to its optimal upkeep. This includes not only protecting it with a high SPF sunblock and/or sun-blocking clothing, but keeping it hydrated and moisturized.

  1. Be Done with Child Bearing

If you’ve had a child, you know that pregnancy can leave you feeling like your postpartum body belongs to someone else. Fostering a human life has a way of altering the body! No shock there.

So if you’re annoyed with some aspect of your body but are not done having children, you should probably wait until you are. A pregnancy can easily undo the results of any nonsurgical body contouring procedure. This isn’t to say that you can’t get a revision should the need arise. But if you can wait until you know you’re done, you’ll get the best results by having just one procedure.

  1. Keep Up a Healthy Lifestyle

While we have this at #3, it’s probably the single most important factor. While nonsurgical body contouring is meant to address trouble spots that don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise, this doesn’t mean you can now regularly camp out on your couch with a bag of potato chips. If you want to maintain results, diet and exercise are just as important after your procedure as before.

But it’s not just diet and exercise. Drinking, smoking, and taking other substances can also affect your metabolism and damage your skin tone – among other things. All of this will negatively impact your results in the long term.

So once you make the healthy choice to have a non-surgical body contouring procedure, keep making those healthy choices to maintain it.

Could Nonsurgical Body Contouring Brighten Your Day?

If you’re feeling hesitant about surgery and are wondering if nonsurgical body contouring is right for you, contact us today.

During your free consultation, you’ll get a chance to sit down with our trained specialists in aesthetic medicine who can guide you on the next best steps.

And soon you can say goodbye to those trouble spots!

What Is Too Young for Dermal Fillers?

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What Is Too Young for Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers have been available for over 40 years. Since that time, they’ve been used predominantly by women over the age of 40. These days, however, they’re increasingly used by (mostly) women in their 20s.

Is this really such a bad idea though?

But there are many who feel that your 20s aren’t too young for dermal fillers. And for good reason.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

To be clear, dermal fillers are not the same as Botox. With Botox, the muscles are, in essence, frozen to lessen wrinkles. But a dermal filler is an injectable implant. Injected under the skin with a needle, they serve to smooth the skin and complexion.

The nice thing about injectables is that they’re not a huge commitment. And they’ve come a long way since the early days. At one time, injectables often consisted of collagen that required allergy testing. And in some cases, they contained liquid silicone – though these were never approved by the FDA for cosmetic purposes.

Today, most fillers are made with the body’s natural compound hyaluronic acid that’s found in the skin and cartilage. It typically dissolves within 12 to 16 months. Some injectables contain the mineral calcium hydroxylapatite which is a mineral that’s found in the bones. These fillers last closer to 18 months.

A biodegradable synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid is also available. These are the longest lasting at two years. Whatever the case, dermal fillers are a safe option for patients who would rather try a more temporary procedure.

When Most Patients Seek Dermal Fillers

For most people, collagen production slows around the age of 40. As such, most patients who seek dermal fillers are in the age range of 40-55.

This makes perfect sense since the injection of hyaluronic acid not only stimulates collagen production, but it also draws moisture to smooth the skin. Once the skin is plumped with moisture, it’s far less prone to dehydration and, in turn, wrinkles.

As we mentioned above, however, there are many younger people in their 20s seeking dermal fillers. Which brings us back to the question:

Are Your 20s Too Young for Dermal Fillers? 

It might seem counterproductive to get dermal fillers before the skin is showing signs of aging. Why would you even want them?

Once the skin starts to show wrinkles, folds, lines, and creases, it means hyaluronic acid and collagen production has already decreased. However, research shows that by using hyaluronic-based dermal fillers as part of an anti-aging regimen when in your 20s, you prolong collagen production. This means you may be able to prevent deep lines for longer.

It’s very important that injectables are administered only by a board-certified surgeon though who is aware of the correct amount needed. Patients in their 20s need a far more conservative amount than one in their 50s or older.

Curious About Dermal Fillers?

Every body has a different rate of maturation. While teenagers are considered too young for dermal fillers, it’s increasingly more common for those in their 20s to use them.

Regardless of your age, if you’re interested in how dermal filler injections could smooth and rejuvenate your skin, contact us today. We’ll talk you through the process to ensure you achieve the results you want.

How Long Breast Implants

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How Long Breast Implants Last

Are you considering breast implants? If so, you’ll be amazed at how much they can improve your self-image and leave you feeling more confident.

Breast implants are a fantastic investment. Even so, breast implants do have an expiration date.

As such, it’s important to have some idea of how long breast implants last, as well as reasons you might need them replaced before they expire. That way, you can plan appropriately.

How Long Breast Implants Last

While there’s no guaranteed amount of time you can be sure your implant will last, most of today’s implants last a minimum of ten years if there are no complications. Of course, how long yours lasts will depend on a number of factors.

One of the biggest factors is whether you choose silicone or saline implants.


Of the two different types, silicone implants are the more resilient. As such, it’s not at all unusual for these to last for decades. In some cases, they may even last for a woman’s lifetime. Again, this depends on several factors.

But one of the drawbacks of silicone is that it’s more difficult to detect ruptures or other damage if they do occur. So while the implants can last a long time, patients need to stay up-to-date on checkups and stay in touch with their board-certified plastic surgeon.


Meanwhile, saline implants are more prone to shifting and rippling than silicone implants are. So while it’s possible for them to last for decades, it’s likely they will need some sort of maintenance every ten to fifteen years.

They also have a somewhat higher risk of rupturing. But since saline can be absorbed by the body and silicone can’t, a rupture is less serious.

So clearly each type of implant has its pros and cons.

Reasons For Implant Replacement or Removal

These days, complications during plastic surgery are exceedingly rare. Advances in surgical techniques along with an increased understanding of how patients are likely to experience a procedure have contributed to this.

Still, along with the possibility of a rupture, an implant can get displaced, malfunction, or bottom out. Then there’s also the chance for capsular contracture. This is when the capsule of scar tissue that forms around the implant to protect the body becomes unusually hard and starts to contract around it. This is not common though.

Some patients may experience a change in personal taste or lifestyle over time that leaves them wanting to change the type and/or size of the implant.

Finally, on very rare occasions, a patient may experience breast implant-related illness that warrants a removal. Regardless of the situation that prompts breast implant replacement or removal, the plastic surgeon will always consider every factor at play to recommend the appropriate course of action.

Have Questions About Breast Implants?

At the end of the day, your lifestyle, unique body constitution, and the plastic surgeon you choose will determine how long breast implants last.

So if you’re still left with questions about breast implants, feel free to contact us for a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. He or she will assess your situation and give you a more educated estimate as to how long your implants should last.