The Ultimate Guide in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

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Picture it. Your body finally has the shapes, lines, and sleek contours that you’ve always desired. And all you had to do was “add water and stir.”

Okay. Obviously the second part is merely a dream.

Because getting the body you want may very well mean you’ll have to go under the knife. And prepping for plastic surgery requires more than just adding water and stirring.

Aesthetic and Hygienic Guidlines

First, take a shower both the night before and the morning of your surgery. Wash with an antibacterial cleanser and wash your hair. You’ll want to go in as clean as possible.

And as much as you might feel inclined to wax or shave during those showers, don’t. Though shaving seems logical enough, the recommendation is to wax or shave about four to seven days before surgery.

Sure, you won’t have that baby smooth skin. But shaving right before surgery can lead to microscopic cuts and abrasions which can disrupt the skin’s barrier defense against microbes colonizing the skin and hair follicles.

Also, your surgeon doesn’t care if you have a fierce tan while on the table. He or she is more concerned with reducing your risk for added inflammation and scarring. And tanning before your procedure increases that risk.

What to Wear…

Again, it’s surgery and not a fashion show. Throw on your most comfortable and loosest fitting clothing. If you’re having a procedure such as a tummy tuck or a Brazilian butt lift, you may be fitted with a compression garment afterwards. When you have big comfy clothes, they’ll slide easily over that garment.

Of course, as you go into surgery, you’ll be donning a hospital gown. Those comfy clothes and other personal items will be waiting for you when you come out.

As far as wearing a menstrual pad or tampon, these are totally fine.

The Do NOTs in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

Generally speaking, less is more on surgery day. So it really comes down more to what you shouldn’t have coming into surgery versus what you should.

  1. No Need to Be Bedazzled

You will need to take off all of your jewelry before your procedure. That means not just necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings, but every body piercing as well. Your surgeon will use an electrosurgical device to cut  tissue and control bleeding. A piercing – even a small one – can divert the electrical current and damage the tissue.

In addition, pressure on those piercings could result in the loss of tissue around them since you’ll be anesthetized and unable to recognize the pressure.

  1. Go Au Naturel

If you normally use hair products after you shower, leave them out this time. The key is to avoid contamination with open wounds – which we all have to agree takes precedence over whether your hair is frizzy or falling flat.

Makeup is also prohibited so that makeup particles don’t end up in your eyes. When you’re anesthetized, you won’t have the ability to blink to clear out those particles. In some cases, you may even have your eyes taped shut. So leave the make-up in its bag or curio drawer.

Another reason for ditching the makeup and hair products is that some of them have flammable ingredients. So it’s best to just avoid them.

  1. Skip the Manicure

Let your nails go naked.

It might sound weird, but nail polish is prohibited during your surgical procedure. Doctors and nurses will keep an eye on your circulation and need to be able to see your natural fingernail to do this. They’ll also need to regularly monitor your pulse and how well you’re breathing using a pulse oximeter clipped onto your finger. Nail polish can interfere with these readings.

For some time, there was the belief that acrylic nails affected the pulse oximeter as well. Recent studies show that unpolished acrylics do not impact this. But you may need to remove them anyhow.

  1. Leave Your Orthodontics At Home

Finally, if you really dislike wearable orthodontics like a retainer or elastic bands for your teeth, good news! You finally have a valid excuse to not wear them (for a little while, at least).Your surgeon will need you to remove them before your procedure.

Get the Body You’ve Dreamed Of

The extra measures you have to take in prepping for plastic surgery are well worth the outcome.

Isn’t it time you felt better about your body and appearance? If you’re ready to step into the plastic surgery arena, contact us today.

We’ll set you up for your free consultation where you’ll be able to ask your plastic surgeon the hard-hitting questions that’ll give you peace of mind before your procedure.


Are There Non-Surgical Fat Removal Options?

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As much as we’re told to embrace imperfections in our bodies, stubborn fat that won’t go away no matter how much you diet and exercise can be discouraging. VERY.

Liposuction is one of the most popular and effective fat removal procedures. It’s highly effective and delivers outstanding results. It does have drawbacks though. First, it’s an invasive procedure that requires some recovery time. Plus, it can be a bit costly.

Meanwhile, there’s a group of non-surgical fat removal options now that don’t require surgery. Plus, the recovery time is minimal. We’ll take a look at how they work.

Non-Surgical Fat Removal Options

Around since the 1980s, liposuction is fairly straightforward. A board-certified plastic surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and sucks out excess fat cells using a small tube. He or she then sculpts a more sleek body contour.

But for those not eager to go deeply under the knife, there are procedures that zap unwanted fat cells topically. Here’s how:

1.Cold and Heat

Many of us are not too far from our ideal weight, but still struggle with small and localized fat spots on the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Some treatments utilize freezing to remove that unwanted fat. It may sound unpleasant, but it’s not.

A surgeon or other practitioner uses a special cryolipolysis device to cool fat cells to the point of death without affecting surrounding tissues. The dead fat cells are flushed from the body in the days and weeks that follow – with results noticed after about three months.

On the other end of the spectrum, certain non-invasive procedures employ heat to destroy fat cells. This process is known as apoptosis and it’s especially effective in targeting those love handles, as well as fat beneath the chin, and on the back, abdomen, and thighs.

Triple Wavelength Laser Technology

This procedure with the space-agey name is not as out there as it sounds. The use of triple wavelength laser technology is sometimes referred to as laser liposuction. And yes, there is a very tiny incision made to insert a small tube which removes excess liquid that can accumulate during the procedure.

Triple wavelength laser technology is effective for those who want to address sagging skin or fat around the muscles without going into surgery. This technology is a great alternative to liposuction in addressing fat deposits in the same problem areas including the back, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, abs, and flanks.

It’s also ideal for tackling unwanted fat in the face (around the jaw, chin, jowls, and neck) that traditional liposuction can’t effectively treat. Results from this treatment are immediate with minimal downtime.

Radiofrequency Technology

Finally, radiofrequency technology has been a godsend to the plastic surgery and dermatology industries. Radiofrequency energy is used to eliminate fat cells on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks.

An internal probe is used to deliver this energy to help melt fat while tightening the skin by strengthening the collagen bands beneath it. (Yes, that means there is a small incision made for the probe.) There is also an external applicator delivering energy to further tighten the skin.

Radiofrequency lipolysis is ideal for patients trying to get rid of loose skin along with small to moderate amounts of fat. There is very little downtime and results start surfacing within days. Full results are apparent in two to three weeks with skin tightening continuing for months.

Ready to Tackle Unwanted Fat?

Whether you opt for liposuction or choose from one of the non-surgical fat removal options, getting rid of that unwanted fat will leave you feeling lighter and with renewed confidence.

So contact us today to discuss your options.

We’ll guide you through all of your options so you can make the most educated decision.



Nutrition Before and After Plastic Surgery

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Any time you opt for surgery – even if it’s elective – it’s still important to consider what to put into your body and what to avoid.

Getting the proper nutrition before and after plastic surgery is going to make a difference in how quickly you heal.

That’s why you should always discuss any dietary restrictions you may have with your board-certified plastic surgeon. It’s possible that certain diets could deplete you of key nutrients that will lend to optimal healing.

Preparing Your Body

There are certain foods, drinks, and supplements you may need to avoid the days or week before you prepare for your plastic surgery. Many of these have to do with how they impact blood clotting, but there are other factors.

For example, if you regularly eat a lot of omega-3 foods or take a supplement, you’ll probably need to refrain before surgery because they can increase bleeding and thin the blood.

Vitamins B, D, E, and K can all interfere with anesthesia. And herbal supplements sometimes have anti-coagulant or other qualities that can cause bleeding, and kidney or liver malfunction. They can also affect how patients process anesthesia.

Finally, you’ll be discouraged from two of the biggest offenders – alcohol and caffeine. Along with dehydrating your system, alcohol can thin the blood. Caffeine, meanwhile, can increase bleeding and elevates the heart rate. If you can’t imagine a day a week without your cup of joe, take heart. You likely will only need to abstain a day or two before the procedure.

Keeping Clean for Better Recovery

Going into the surgery clean is also going to assist with recovery. The mistake some patients make is going right back to poor eating habits post-op. When they get bored while waiting for the body to heal, they may be prone to sugary or salty snacks. This is a mistake.

Sugar creates inflammation and suppresses the immune system – neither of which is optimal for healing. Furthermore, salt will zap you of the hydration that’s critical for recovery. It causes you to hold water and can prolong any puffiness of swelling you might experience.

And set the beer/wine/cocktail aside too. Like salt, alcohol also causes fluid retention which can prolong swelling. What’s worse though, it may interact in negative or even dangerous ways with pain medications.

Good news? You can have your coffee again.

The Best Nutrition Before and After Surgery… and Beyond

So now that you know all the things you should avoid, what’s on the approved list of beneficial nutrition before and after surgery? We’ll take a look at the non-offenders:

  1. Protein

Collagen and blood cell production rely on protein while healing tissues and transporting nutrients. So load up on lean meats, eggs, seeds, and nuts before surgery. Then you can always add the omega-3 heavy fish back in after surgery.

  1. Zinc & Iron

In terms of preventing infection, zinc is the biggest go-to. Meanwhile, iron helps build red blood cells to boost the above mentioned nutrient delivery. Oysters have the most zinc of all foods. If you’d sooner eat pond scum, you can also find zinc in chick peas, tofu, hemp seeds, oats, and lean beef. These are similar sources for iron, but add in some dark-leafy greens to complete the picture.

  1. Vitamins A & C

As mentioned above, you’ll want to avoid vitamins B, D, E, and K before surgery. But you can certainly invite them back into your diet after your procedure. Meanwhile, vitamins A and C are kosher for both before and after.

Fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamins A and C, such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, are loaded with antioxidants that will help reduce inflammation and combat the negative effects of free radicals.

  1. Water

It should go without saying, but drinking plenty of water is nearly always good for you. This is especially true before and after surgery. Staying hydrated is key in both cases. Skin that is hydrated before the procedure will be better equipped to heal wounds and leave less scarring. And post-op, water is key in maintaining the body’s lymphatic system which is busy flushing out the by-products of tissue healing.

So raise a glass (or eight) to water.

Prepare to Look and Feel Great

You’re making a big investment when you decide to get plastic surgery. So you want to get the most out of it.

Contact us today for your free consultation where you’ll be able to discuss diet and nutrition with your plastic surgeon.

Then strive to maintain proper nutrition before and after plastic surgery. Once you establish these good habits, you’ll be surprised at how great you feel.

Wondering How Skin Elasticity Affects Plastic Surgery? 

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If you’re considering plastic surgery, you may be so focused on your desired outcome that you haven’t considered how the elasticity of your skin may affect that outcome. 

But you can bet your plastic surgeon certainly has. 

The fact is, skin elasticity affects plastic surgery results. Especially when it comes to liposuction. So skin elasticity is something every plastic surgeon considers when consulting with their patients.  

What Is Skin Elasticity?  

Do you remember the first time you pulled up some skin on the back of your hand to see how quickly it snapped back into its original shape? Given that most of us did this as children the first time, the skin snapped back quickly, right? That’s elasticity. 

The skin is made up of three layers; the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutis. The dermis is the middle layer and it contains two kinds of proteins known as elastin and collagen. They are responsible for elasticity.  

If you waited until later in life to play this game though, there probably wasn’t so much a snapping back as a slow descent. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity – a condition known as elastosis. The body’s production of collagen and elastin decline. And the increasing lack of elasticity causes the skin to sag, wrinkle, or even take on a leathery appearance. 

Are There Other Causes For Skin Elastosis? 

As previously mentioned, age is one of the biggest perpetrators. And until the enigmatic fountain of youth is discovered, it will almost always be one of the top factors for your skin not looking or behaving as it once did.  

Even so, there are other factors that play into the skin’s loss of elasticity.  

Environmental and lifestyle causes can certainly accelerate it. Excessive exposure to the sun, for example, breaks down collagen and elastin fibers and causes the skin to prematurely age. Smoking is also a factor. Tobacco smoke is notorious for drying out delicate facial skin.   

Finally, rapid and extensive weight gain or loss can also contribute to elastosis. The skin isn’t designed to hold a large amount of weight and then spring back when the weight quickly disappears. 

How Skin Elasticity Affects Plastic Surgery 

Many people come to plastic surgeons because they want to get rid of problematic fat or are looking for a sleeker, more streamlined appearance on some part of the body.  

In most cases, patients under 40 still have fairly elastic skin. For them, these procedures tend to go smoothly. The skin in the treated area maintains the same tone after the procedure and is able to re-drape tightly over the contoured part.  

Women under 40 who’ve gone through a single pregnancy may have reduced elasticity around the abdominal area, but it may spring back enough.  

Folks under 40 who’ve experienced dramatic fluctuations in weight, however, will likely have issues with their skin not bouncing back after the procedure.  

And nearly everyone over the age of 40 is going to have decreased skin elasticity to some degree. Again, those who have experienced major weight fluctuations (and/or multiple pregnancies) are going to be up against even more challenges. 

So in these cases, the plastic surgeon may encourage skin excision or lift procedures instead. A tummy tuck, for instance, will remove both excess fat and sagging skin. The same goes for a thigh lift or arm lift.  

For Every Problem. There’s a Solution 

Now that you have a firmer (pun intended) grasp on how skin elasticity affects plastic surgery, you may be reconsidering which procedure you want. 

You don’t need to think too much about it though.  

Instead, contact us to set up your free consultation to talk with one of our highly skilled surgeons. He or she will clearly guide you through exactly what you need.  

The Problems With BMI

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In case you’re unfamiliar, Body Mass Index (BMI) is a screening tool that “tells” whether someone is underweight, overweight, obese, or at a healthy weight.

That’s the theory, at least.

It’s calculated using a combination of a person’s weight and height. As such, there are some clear problems with BMI.

Does Your BMI Say You’re Carrying Excess Weight?

More and more people are pursuing a better diet and increasing exercise for controlling their weight. And yet, a healthy and fit person can get a BMI number that shows up in the ‘excess weight’ range. This can leave them concerned about their appearance and even drive them to plastic surgery for tummy tucks and liposuction.

Now, there are clear cases where the BMI is right on track. For someone who is morbidly obese, it’s not difficult to see that their number would be on the high end.

But when you simply multiply a person’s weight in pounds by 703 and then divide that number by their height in inches squared, there are MANY factors that aren’t considered. These include age, sex, ethnicity, and muscle mass.

The Problems with BMI

The BMI is not an inherently bad or flawed system. It enables doctors to track weight status across an entire population so that they can identify potential problems in individual cases. Unfortunately it has become a tool to measure the level of fatness in an individual.

This was never the intention.

In fact, the BMI was introduced in the early 1800s by a mathematician who produced the formula to measure the degree of obesity in the general population. The purpose of which was to provide the government with these figures so they could accurately allocate resources. The mathematician was quick to point out that the BMI should NOT be used to indicate one’s level of fatness.

Looking at this formula some 200 years later and there’s no true physiological reason that one would square a person’s height. It just doesn’t make sense.

Other Factors Where BMI Is Lacking

One of the best indicators of obesity levels is one’s waist size. This is completely ignored in formulating one’s BMI.

The logic behind the whole index is off too. Obviously, if someone is noticeably fat or obese, he or she will have a high BMI. But when someone has a high BMI, we cannot automatically assume they are obese or overweight.

That’s because it also takes no consideration of the proportions of bone to muscle to fat. Bones are heavier and more dense than muscles and fat. So someone with large and healthy bones with toned muscle and little fat can be easily classified as overweight or even obese.

And yet, in a society so hooked on numbers and stats, individuals begin to question their appearance and level of fitness based on a silly number. But since it comes from a mathematical formula, then it must be true science.

It’s not.

What makes one person overweight, another underweight, and another at a healthy weight relies on so many factors. As such, many members of the medical establishment would like to do away with the BMI. And sooner rather than later.

How Do You Feel In Your Body?

Given the problems with BMI calculations, the better question should be concerned with how you feel in your body.

If you’re feeling good about yourself and confident in your appearance, then take that BMI number with a grain of salt.

On the other hand, if you have problem areas that embarrass you or extra fat that just won’t go away no matter how much you diet and exercise, then plastic surgery could be the perfect solution for you. If so, contact us today.

We don’t use BMI to determine who’s a good candidate for surgery. Instead, we look at the patient’s overall health and the location of the desired improvement as main indicators of surgical candidacy. So reach out today.

Fixing a Double Chin

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Are noticing a fullness under your chin that wasn’t there in the past? You may even have a double chin.

Known medically as submental adiposity, it’s not a desirable condition for most people – no matter what you call it.

Fortunately, there are many methods for fixing a double chin. Some more extreme than others.

What Causes a Double Chin?

The double chin is, unfortunately, not uncommon. It’s merely the formation of a layer of fat under your chin. There’s a lot of stress in the world right now and for some of us, that means extra weight gain. And if you lead a rather sedentary lifestyle, that can exacerbate the situation.

So when dealing with a double chin, where do you start?

Possible Changes in Diet

If you don’t have the best eating habits and you believe that your double chin is a result of weight gain, then the first approach is to lose weight. That means cutting way back on refined grains, saturated fats, sugar, and processed foods.

Start focusing on more whole grains, lean protein (such as in poultry and fish), low-fat dairy products, and healthy fats that include avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

And, of equal importance, make every effort to not exceed your daily caloric needs. For example, while fruit is a better choice than cookies, eating a lot of it brings up the calorie count quickly.

In addition to shifting to a healthy diet, you’ll also burn more calories if you’re active. Speaking of physical activity…

Are There Specific Exercises That Help?

Yes, there are exercises that you can repeat several times throughout the day to address a double chin.

One of the more popular ones is the straight jaw jut. Simply tilt your head back, look toward ceiling, and push your lower jaw forward to stretch under the chin. Hold for a count of ten and then return the head to its natural position. Repeat several times.

Another one to try is the neck stretch. Again, tilt your head back to look at the ceiling. This time, press your tongue on the roof of your mouth for 5-10 seconds, then release. Repeat several times.

There’s also a ball exercise that involves you putting a 9- to 10-inch ball under your chin then continually pressing down against the ball for as log as it feels mindful to do so.

It should be noted that there’s currently no scientific evidence that chin exercises work to fix a double chin. But there IS anecdotal evidence. So they could be worth a shot.

Fixing a Double Chin With Plastic Surgery

There are many cases where genetics or looser skin from aging cause a double chin. And no matter how much you diet or exercise, it doesn’t result in fixing a double chin.

In these instances, plastic surgery is the best go-to. Plastic surgeons have a variety of tools in their surgical tool boxes to address a double chin.

  1. Injection

The least invasive option is an injectable medication that contains deoxycholic acid. Normally produced by the body, deoxycholic acid assists with fat absorption during digestion.

By injecting this acid into submental fat under the chin, fat cells are destroyed – thus preventing fat storage in the chin area.

  1. Liposuction

With the liposuction procedure, a small incision is made under the chin to insert a tube that vacuums out the fat. The surgeon then sculpts the chin and neck contour.

  1. Neck Lift

A neck lift serves to tighten the neck muscles and/or remove extra skin. A neck lift may be recommended in tandem with liposuction if there is excess skin. Or it may be combined with a facelift to further contour the neck and chin.

  1. Facelift

Finally, with a facelift, the surgeon removes fat and sagging skin around the chin and neck. This effectively removes the double chin.

  1. Correction of Witch’s Deformity

This is a procedure to lift and tighten the droopy chin back up above the jawline by tightening the muscles of the lower lip.

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

If you’re embarrassed by a double chin and you’ve tried diet and exercise with no success, then contact us.

Fixing a double chin is a regular part of our surgical repertoire. So you know you’ll be in good hands.

Set up your free consultation today!



How Do I Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift?

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Has your butt deflated while you carry extra weight on other areas of your body? You’re certainly not alone.

A procedure like a Brazilian Butt Lift can address this issue perfectly. It is a surgery though. And that means there’s a chance you’ll experience some discomfort when attempting to sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift.

We have some simple ways around this to make the discomfort far less. But first we’ll take a look at what this surgery entails.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

In a strange turn of events, this procedure actually has no direct connection with Brazil. Furthermore, it’s not a lift in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn’t actually address loose skin on the buttocks.

A Brazilian butt lift improves the shape and size of the buttocks in situations where there is not excess skin. Patients who want this procedure prefer fat transfer over implants and need to have adequate fat stores in other areas of the body.

So what goes into a Brazilian butt lift?

First, excess fat is removed with liposuction from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, the area above the buttocks, and the lower back. This fat is then processed and prepared for transfer. From there, the plastic surgeon injects that fat into targeted areas of the buttocks where more volume or fuller shape is desired. This is typically an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.

Best Ways to Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift 

It’s crucial that you avoid sitting directly upright for four weeks after surgery. Any decrease of circulation to the buttocks could result in the destruction of the newly transferred fat cells. (Yes, you’re allowed to sit down to use the toilet, but that’s it.)

So that means you’re going to be in a reclined position for awhile. And this is good, as rest is essential for healing after surgery. So what are the best tips for getting better rest and sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

  1. Use Pillows Liberally

Supporting your body is a top priority after this surgery. It’s important to take pressure off your back and buttocks so that you’ll be comfortable. Be sure to have pillows at hand to support any and all areas that require support.

  1. Lie Flat Only on a Mattress

Whether sleeping or just resting and watching TV or reading, you don’t want to lie flat on your back for too long. And you definitely want to be on a supported mattress when you do. While it may not feel painful while you’re resting, it has the potential to put too much pressure on the back and the buttocks over the long haul.

  1. Try Side Sleeping

Ultimately, sleeping on your side is the best position when healing from this procedure. If you’re already a side sleeper, this won’t be a big order. You may want to use pillows to prop up one leg so that it’s not resting flat on the bed. Or put a pillow under each knee so there is no added weight on your lower back or buttocks.

On the other hand, if side sleeping is not your natural position, this can take some adjustment. If need be, you could take sleeping aids to help ease you into this unfamiliar territory.

Still Worried You Won’t Be Able to Sleep?

Don’t let concerns about losing sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift deter you from getting this effective surgery.

Contact us today to get all the details on what to expect from this surgery. And should you opt for this procedure, just know that you won’t be left hanging if you have any issues getting sleep after it.

We’re always happy to provide more recommendations to ensure your healing.

Facial Surgeries Are Trending Younger

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It may come as something of a surprise that there are popular trends in plastic surgery every year.

But just like fashion, plastic surgery is influenced by lifestyle, technology, the economy, and cultural shifts. Even if the results are much longer lasting.

Interestingly, the most popular facial surgeries are trending younger for 2023. Why is this?

More Focus on the Eyes

There is an increasing number of patients in their 40s (and even late 30s) seeking plastic surgery for sagging and drooping around the brows and eyelids.

While fillers are often used for patients in these age groups, many younger patients are resistant to the limitations that come with injections. In other words, they’re turned off by having seen too many Hollywood stars using excessive fillers or Botox and being unable to make facial expressions.

In addition, disappointed by the false promises of medi-spas and laser therapies that don’t deliver results, they’re more willing to go under the knife. There are two plastic surgery procedures that are already surging in 2023.

  1. Blepharoplasty

The umbrella medical term for eyelid lifts is blepharoplasty. Depending on a patient’s needs, a highly skilled plastic surgeon recommends either an upper eyelid lift or a lower eyelid lift. In some cases, he or she may recommend both – known as a quad blepharoplasty.

For patients with lines, wrinkles, sagging, or bags in the under-eye area, the recommendation would be a lower eyelid lift. An upper eyelid lift procedure is less involved than a lower eyelid surgery and would be recommended where there is sagging skin, excess fat, or loose muscle along the upper eyelids as opposed to the lower eyelids. In these situations, the drooping can be significant enough to block or obstruct vision to some degree – a condition known as ptosis.

The procedure for each patient depends on individual eye anatomy and the results one hopes to achieve. All three procedures deliver a dramatically more youthful appearance to the eyes. As such, blepharoplasty surgery has become one of the most commonly performed procedures.

  1. Brow Lifts

A brow lift is the removal of excess skin bunching and the possible repositioning of the skin and muscles around the brow. Each procedure is personalized to the patient’s specifications depending on hairline position, hair type, degree of lift needed, and individual facial characteristics.

The endoscopic procedure is the least invasive and involves suspending tissue rather than removing it. A coronal brow lift procedure addresses more serious sagging for those with a low hairline. Finally, a pretrichial procedure is chosen when the patient has a higher hairline.

In all cases, a brow lift tightens loose skin of the forehead, reduces wrinkling, and raises drooping brows. In some cases, part of the muscle that’s responsible for frown lines between the brows is removed or trimmed.

The Facelift as Maintenance

At one time, the facelift was a procedure performed exclusively on the wealthy and well-over-50 crowd. There’s a noticeable shift these days though.

Sure, the facelift remains popular among its early adopters. But like the surgeries around the eyes, the facelift is also gaining traction among patients in their early 40s. Of course, the procedure for this group is altered. Excess skin is removed, but there’s not as much of it. The same goes for tightening the muscles in the neck and underneath the jawline.

Because there is less work to be done, the process is faster. So too is the healing. A facelift on a younger person may also involve injecting the cheeks with the patient’s own fat. This balances the lift so there’s a more three-dimensional result rather than a flattened appearance.

Younger patients recognize that a facelift is still an involved procedure. For them, it’s more like the sort of preventative maintenance you might do on your car. The facelift is part of a future program. By doing it this way, they’ll have less maintenance (and expense) when they get older.

Facial Surgeries Are Trending Younger

Given the above information, it makes sense that facial surgeries are trending younger. But it’s not just for them.

Whether you’re in your early 40s or beyond, plastic surgery can certainly restore your confidence in 2023. If you’re curious about how a facial surgery could benefit you this year, contact us today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Is Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men Too?

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It may not seem like cosmetic plastic surgery for men is much of a ‘thing.’ After all, men only account for 8% of cosmetic surgery procedures.

But according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), male cosmetic procedures rose 29% between 2000 and 2018. And post-pandemic numbers are expected to keep rising.

It seems that struggling with insecurities about appearance isn’t gender specific. Yet, it’s overwhelmingly women who are open to talking about the fact that they’ve had work done.

Most Popular Procedures for Men

The majority of men motivated to get cosmetic surgery want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. This isn’t to say, though, they don’t also have concerns about wrinkles or other imperfections.

So despite the differences between the sexes, men seeking cosmetic plastic surgery are often looking for the same solutions that women are. The following four procedures are the most common:

1. Skin Reduction/Tummy Tuck

It’s not unusual for men to hit their 30s or even 40s and realize that it’s time to take their health seriously. They may start dieting and exercising to get their bodies in better shape. The problem is, once the beer-and-Cheetos belly disappears, the skin that enveloped it has nowhere to go.

Many men are embarrassed by the resulting hanging skin around the mid-section. Especially when they’ve worked so hard to get buff and toned. Skin reduction surgery helps eliminate this unsightly problem.

Then for those who also have fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise, there’s the option of a tummy tuck to further contour the mid-section and show off that six-pack.

2. Brow Lift, Eyes, Face

Historically speaking, women have generally spent more time in front of the mirror. But when the pandemic hit in 2020, men were suddenly staring at themselves on computer screens and noticing every little imperfection they hadn’t before. This ‘Zoom effect’ was a serious motivator for men to seek out cosmetic procedures.

To date, the most popular procedures for the face include brow lifts, upper eye lifts, and liposuction around the jawline and neck. Men are also opting for non-surgical procedures like Botox injections to combat wrinkles.

3. Neck Contouring

Of course, once the face was looking good, the attention started drifting to the neck. Every woman is all too aware of how the skin on the neck loses elasticity and stretches during aging. But once again, the time in front of video calls made men more aware of this.

While women have the option to cover their necks with a stylish scarf, we can all admit that the ascot is hardly a fashion trend for men. And if a beard isn’t an option, a neck lift or other neck contouring procedure can address the loose skin and sagging jawline to deliver a more chiseled look.

4. Male Breast Reduction

If you think any sort of plastic surgery for the breast is purely women’s domain, think again.

Breast reduction surgery is gaining in popularity among men who are troubled to find that their breasts are becoming fattier as they age. And no amount of diet or exercise remedies it. For them, male breast reduction, or gynecomastia, reduces the swelling in the breast area to give the pectorals more definition.

Curious About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men?

While cosmetic plastic surgery for men may still be in its infancy, as more men open up about having these surgical procedures, the less stigma there will be.

If you’re a man struggling with insecurities about your appearance, contact us today. During your free consultation, we’ll advise you on the next best steps to get that more youthful look. We’ll also ensure that you feel comfortable with being (something of) a trail blazer!

Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery

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The age-defying and confidence-boosting results that come from plastic surgery can seem magical.

But plastic surgery isn’t a matter of “just add water and stir.” The procedures are exacting and involve the cutting and tightening of the skin. As such, the incisions can cause a temporary skin sensation loss after plastic surgery.

Don’t fret. As with any surgery, this is a normal outcome. And it’s not as scary as it may sound.

Why Is There Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery?

Think about the last time you had a wound. When you cut yourself, you may have felt pain. But if the cut was very deep, there’s a chance you didn’t notice any pain at first.

That’s because the wound broke deep enough into the skin to disturb the network of nerves that runs through your body. This network is responsible for communicating sensation from many parts of the body to your brain.

Much like that deep cut, a surgical incision also impacts that network and disrupts those communication pathways – cutting off sensation to the skin.

So What Does It Feel Like?

There’s no one-size-fits-all for how each patient experiences the loss of skin sensation. For some there may just be some numbness or dullness. Yet another person with the same surgery may experience a complete loss of feeling.

In terms of when the skin sensation returns, this also varies. For many patients, the sensation returns gradually. They might experience tingling or even zapping as the nerves heal. But then there are those who have an abrupt return of sensation.

How Long Does It Last?

The simple rule of thumb is that the more invasive the surgery, the higher your risk of losing skin sensation. Of course, there are always other factors. For example, smoking reduces oxygen in the blood and slows the healing process. So for smokers, it will take longer.

In general, however, you can expect the these outcomes from the following procedures:

  1. Facelift

Experiencing sensation changes after having a facelift is very common. Especially around the incision sites. While many patients start regaining sensation within three to six months, it’s possible that you may still have some lack of sensation for a year before feeling sensation again.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Similar to a facelift, much of the loss of skin sensation after a tummy tuck is around the incision line. The area between the incision line and the belly button may also experience loss of feeling. This typically clears up within two to six months.

  1. Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction

Breast skin usually regains feeling within two to three months after breast augmentation, lift, and/or reduction. In cases where incisions were made around the nipple, the skin sensation loss can be longer lasting than those where incisions were made under the breast or arm. Nipple sensitivity may also be impacted.

  1. Liposuction

Here’s the good news: loss of skin sensation is rare after liposuction when it’s done as a standalone procedure. Within a few weeks of surgery (at most) the majority of patients return to normal feeling.

Get All the Deets on Plastic Surgery

While the idea of skin sensation loss after plastic surgery can be daunting, it’s almost always temporary. And the payoff is well worth the short term inconvenience.

If you’re dubious and want reassurance from a highly qualified team of medical experts though, contact us today for your free consultation. We’ll answer all your questions to put your mind at ease.

You won’t be left in the dark for a moment about your procedure.